A YouTube Premium exclusive series titled Fruit Ninja: Frenzy Force was announced. The CGI animated series, produced by Halfbrick Studios, follows the adventures of Seb, Niya, Peng and Ralph as they are trained to become the fruit ninja who must do battle with the ancient Durian Grey and his monsters.[58][59]
Imagine a ninja. He isn't cloaked in black, wearing a mask, or hiding in a dark corner waiting to attack his enemy. This 21st century ninja uses technology to attack his target, which is fruit. He simply uses his fingers to slice at pineapples, bananas and other colorful fruits on the screen of his mobile phone.
Fruit Ninja Xbox Kinect Downloadl
The name of the game reveals a little behind the object of the game. The player takes on the persona of a ninja who wants to destroy fruit. On a smart phone or tablet, the gamer touches the screen when a piece of fruit appears, using his or her fingers to slice it in half. If three pieces of fruit are missed, or a bomb is touched, the game is over.
"@context": " ", "@type": "VideoGame", "gamePlatform":"Xbox One", "name": "Fruit Ninja Kinect 2", "url": " -hq.com/xboxone/games/fruit-ninja-kinect-2/267/", "image": " -hq.com/images/games/267-fruit-ninja-kinect-2-boxart_1426217642.png", "description": "Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 builds on the success and foundations of 2011's breakout hit, which took home \"Best Casual Game\" at the 15th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards. It features all the excitement of the original title, plus five new game modes for the entire family to enjoy.Each mode takes place at the Blueberry Moon festival, and is presented by one of the new Fruit Ninja team members \u2013 Katsuro, Mari, Han and Nobu. Players can dodge shurikens, hack through a forest of bamboo, and avoid spotlights to become true masters of stealth.Brand new multiplayer modes allow up to four players to jump in on the action, with Battle and Party modes providing the perfect proving ground for seasoned competitors. A new progression system is also present, allowing players to earn blades, dojos and belts as challenges are completed.", "author": "@type":"Organization", "name":"Hibernum Creations", "url":"" , "publisher":"Halfbrick Studios", "genre":"Action", "filesize":"1.1 GB","downloadUrl":" -hq.com/xboxone/games/fruit-ninja-kinect-2/267/download.html", "installUrl":" -hq.com/xboxone/games/fruit-ninja-kinect-2/267/download.html", "datePublished":"2015-03-18", "applicationCategory":"Xbox", "offers": "@type": "Offer", "url": " -hq.com/xboxone/games/fruit-ninja-kinect-2/267/", "priceCurrency": "USD", "price": "14.99", "itemCondition": " ", "availability": " " 2ff7e9595c