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Let's look at how this tracking works in Google Analytics. Then we'll walk through the options you have available for tracking downloads. We'll start with the easiest solutions, and end with the most difficult. But just a quick note, this article is related to tracking downloads in Universal Analytics, if you need to track downloads in Google Analytics 4 you can refer to this article.
Event tracking is how you tell Google Analytics to record user behavior that doesn't automatically trigger your tracking code. Usually, events are actions on the pages of your website. Common examples of events include video views, page scrolling, or file downloads.
If you have GTM on your website, all you need to do to track your downloads is create an event trigger. The trigger will record an event in Google Analytics every time a visitor clicks your download link.
This expression tells the trigger to fire if any of these extensions are present in your URLs. So, if someone clicks a link on your site that contains .pdf or .xlxs, etc. this trigger will fire. And that action will record a download event in Google analytics.
Tracking downloads using GTM is a very straightforward process. And it's the industry standard for measuring this type of event. If you're looking for more GTM information you can check out our Google Tag Manager Tutorial, too.
My client wishes to track PDF download. I remember you talking about that. The best way is to use Google Tag Manager. Alas, I am stuck with Google Analytics. So I need to set up Event Tracking I believe.
Here's an example of what your code would need to communicate with Google Analytics to track your downloads. (This is not the actual code for this operation. This example is written using a computer science technique known as pseudocode.)
Let us know, which one of these tacking techniques works best for you? Leave a comment below with method you use for track downloads. Also, if you use a strategy we didn't cover, share it in the comments. We'll continue to expand this post with your recommendations.
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Ham Radio Magazines Links (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();A Ham Radio Adventure Book- A short adventure book which introduces the reader to the hobby of Ham Radio through the experiences of 14 year old Oscar.[ Hits: 433 Votes: 6 Rating: 9.33 ]Amateur Radio Comic Books- Ham radio comics and books by Icom America. Include a printable comics calendar[ Hits: 1283 Votes: 2 Rating: 9 ]CB and Communications Magazine- Citizens band and communications magazine[ Hits: 1490 Votes: 8 Rating: 8.5 ]CB Radio Magazine- Great resource wth reviews, articles, and other fun CB information.[ Hits: 3051 Votes: 12 Rating: 6.82 ]Coax Publications Inc - Coax Publications is the publisher of books and CDROMs in support of Amateur Radio and ham radio study guides in Canada.[ Hits: 396 Votes: 2 Rating: 7.5 ]Compendium of Automatic Morse Code- Book on CW paddles, history of keyers, keyboards, oscillators, and all things related to automatic Morse code.[ Hits: 156 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]CQ DL Amateurfunkmagazin- Ham Radio Magazine of DARC[ Hits: 1890 Votes: 13 Rating: 5.07 ]CQ Magazine- CQ Magazine - The Radio Amateur's Journal[ Hits: 9821 Votes: 14 Rating: 5.57 ]CQ TV- British Amateur Television Club CQ-TV on-line magazine, it publishes articles on amateur television and related topics four times a year.[ Hits: 1149 Votes: 3 Rating: 6.67 ]CQ ZRS magazine- CQ ZRS is official S5 ham magazine, 3800 copies printed bimonthly, published by ZRS and writen by Slovene radioamateurs.[ Hits: 1125 Votes: 6 Rating: 7.17 ]Dubus- Ham radio magazine intended for the serious VHF and up operator. Published in Germany, but fully bilingual.[ Hits: 1352 Votes: 2 Rating: 5 ]EchoLink E-Z Guide- Nifty E-Z Guide to EchoLink Operation A comprehensive guide for installing and operating EchoLink.[ Hits: 813 Votes: 1 Rating: 9 ]Electric Radio Magazine- Vintage Ham radio restoration, AM operations, radio history, and the largest vintage-only classified ad section.[ Hits: 2707 Votes: 10 Rating: 8.8 ]FM Das FunkMagazin- German CB monthly magazine[ Hits: 952 Votes: 11 Rating: 8.09 ]Funkamateur- German magazine about Ham radio, electronics and Computers.[ Hits: 1620 Votes: 3 Rating: 6 ]Ham Radio DX Prefix Map - Amateur Prefix Maps by UT0UM updated with ARRL DXCC and ITU changes, available for download in PDF[ Hits: 2294 Votes: 14 Rating: 7.43 ]Home Power Magazine- Independently published since 1987, home power magazine and are resources dedicated to small-scale renewable energy and sustainable living technologies.[ Hits: 464 Votes: 2 Rating: 8.5 ]K9YA Telegraph- FREE ham radio newsletter The K9YA Telegraph is in full-color and delivered to your computer each month as a PDF.[ Hits: 929 Votes: 23 Rating: 9.4 ]mikroElektronika books : Radio receivers- Radio Receivers, from crystal set to stereo, free online ebook including, principles of radio transmission, direct radio receivers and superheterodyne receivers[ Hits: 860 Votes: 3 Rating: 7.33 ]Monitoring Times- Monitoring Times, SWL, BCL, montly reports, Broadcast band, satellite television, long-wave coverage, Reviews of new products and radio-related software.[ Hits: 4964 Votes: 14 Rating: 7.99 ]QEX- "QEX is the ARRL ""Forum for communications experimenters."" Published bimonthly, features technical articles, columns, and other items"[ Hits: 1486 Votes: 3 Rating: 8.67 ]QST Magazine- QST, ARRL's monthly membership journal[ Hits: 4187 Votes: 11 Rating: 5.36 ]Radio 11 know-how- CB Radio guide by International Radio Dx Group. Only available for members of this group.[ Hits: 1301 Votes: 12 Rating: 7.59 ]Radio Bygoned- From the Publishers of EPE, this specialist niche publication is of interest to vintage radio enthusiasts, offering step-by-step rebuilds of selected receivers and helpful ideas and advice.Published every other month, each issue contains articles on radio restoration and repairs, histories, circuit diagrams, nostalgic memories and adverts by specialists.[ Hits: 773 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]Radio Kit- Italian magazine mainly dedicated to homebrew and parts[ Hits: 1741 Votes: 5 Rating: 4.6 ]Repeater- Repeater, an independent Dutch ATV magazine[ Hits: 677 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]RF Circuit design basics- Ebook by Akira Matsuzawa Tokyo Institute of Technology, Building blocks in RF system and basic performances, Device characteristics in RF application , Low noise amplifier design, Mixer design and Oscillator design[ Hits: 1224 Votes: 1 Rating: 1 ]RSGB Shop- Training books and study guides for the UK Licence[ Hits: 495 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]Success Easy CW Tapes- Sells training tapes for Morse code that use hypnosis to speed learning.[ Hits: 1277 Votes: 3 Rating: 4.67 ]The Microwave Journal- Microwaves articles, The Technology Voice of the Wireless World , need registration to access[ Hits: 1079 Votes: 1 Rating: 1 ]The National Contest Journal- The National Contest Journal, published bimonthly by ARRL, features articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA Sprint and QSO Parties[ Hits: 1284 Votes: 2 Rating: 8.5 ]US Scanner- On line magazine for the scanner hobbist[ Hits: 2314 Votes: 1 Rating: 1 ]Worldradio Online- WorldRadio Online is a free online monthly magazine published by CQ Communications,[ Hits: 5961 Votes: 7 Rating: 8.71 ]Zen and the Art of Radiotelegraphy- Free PDF book to start learning morse code and to improve your proficiency, freely available in four languages english, german french and italian.[ Hits: 62 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ].cc-windowopacity:1;transition:opacity 1s 1s,,.cc-revoke:hovertransform:translateY(0).cc-growermax-height:0;overflow:hidden;transition:max-height,,.cc-windowposition:fixed;overflow:hidden;box-sizing:border-box;font-family:Helvetica,Calibri,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:1.5em;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-wrap:nowrap;flex-wrap:nowrap;;max-width:24em;-ms-flex-direction:column; 1.8em;width:100%;-ms-flex-direction:row;;,.cc-close,.cc-link,;display:inline-block;,;padding:.4em .8em;font-size:.9em;font-weight:700;border-width:2px;border-style:solid;text-align:center; .cc-btn:first-childbackground-color:transparent; .cc-btn:first-child:focus,.cc-highlight .cc-btn:first-child:hoverbackground-color:transparent;;position:absolute;top:.5em;right:.5em;font-size:1.6em;opacity:.9;,;left:3em;border-bottom-left-radius:.5em;;left:3em;border-top-left-radius:.5em;;;> .cc-messagedisplay:block; .cc-compliance-ms-flex:1;;;right:0;;right:0; .cc-message-ms-flex:1;;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-line-pack:justify;>.cc-btn-ms-flex:1;,.cc-windowdisplay:none@media screen and (max-width:900px).cc-btnwhite-space:normal@media screen and (max-width:414px) and (orientation:portrait),screen and (max-width:736px) and (orientation:landscape),,;; .cc-compliance-ms-flex:1;;; .cc-compliancetext-align:center;display:inline;-ms-flex:none; .cc-messagemargin:2em 2em .cc-btnmargin:0;padding:.8em 1.8em;"load", function()window.cookieconsent.initialise( "palette": "popup": "background": "#000" , "button": "background": "#f1d600" , "theme": "classic", "position": "bottom", "content": "message": "Cookies help us to deliver our services. By using these services, you agree to the use of cookies on our part.", "dismiss": "ACCEPT", "link": "MORE INFO", "href": " " )); Find more links about Ham Radio Magazines with Google Custom Search Engine Search Ham Radio Magazines with DuckDuckGo or with Bing(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();ManufacturersAccessories Alternative Power Amateur Radio Maps Amplifiers Antenna Analyzers Antenna Launcher Antenna Masts and Mounts Antenna Parts Antenna Rotators Antenna Switches Antenna Tuners Antennas APRS Arduino Baluns Broadcasting Equipment Cable and Connectors Digital and Packet Radio Digital Mobile Radio Electronic Components Filters Front Panel Ham Shack Accessories Interfaces Lightning and Surge Protection Memory Keyers Microphones Microwave Military Morse Key Morse Keyers Parts and Surplus Power Supply Publications* QRP Kits Radio Direction Finding Receivers Remote Control Repeaters Scanners Shipping Cases Software Defined Radio Soldering Speakers and Headsets SWR Meters Test Equipment Towers and Accessories Transceivers Transverters Tubes & Semiconductors Wattmeters WiFi Search The Search only in "Ham Radio Magazines"Manufacturers : Ham Radio MagazinesAmateur radio related books and magazines. Publications, periodicals and books about amateur radioAdd a new link(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();About The DXZone.comThe DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.Free for your SiteAdd our 2ff7e9595c